What are the top 3 focus areas for automotive OEMs to be successful in the next 10 years?

Felix Naser
2 min readDec 22, 2021


  1. Software https://handypolls.com/o/ePjRJJ
  2. Batteries https://handypolls.com/o/nxQoMX
  3. Business Models https://handypolls.com/o/85ydxj
  4. Others https://handypolls.com/o/nZEW3O

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Software in the automotive context is one the one hand most relevant for process automation and quality improvements (both in the factory [1] as well as in the office [2]) and on the other hand shapes fundamentally the product itself where the car becomes a personal assistant that can also drive you wherever you want to go. On its transformational way towards this personal robot on wheels operating systems, self-driving software stack, partnerships between OEMs and internet giants and integration into digital consumer ecosystems play a major role.

While entering the EV age of individual mobility it can seem that battery technologies and production are critical success factors of a car. Two out of the three major EV challenges RIP — range, infrastructure, price — can be addressed with battery technologies.

New business models around mobility and cars themselves are emerging. Ridehaling, shared and micro mobility are playing more important roles in the diversified mobility mix, especially in densely populated urban areas. With emerging monthly digital subscription packages [3] and OTA software updates [4] the car is on its way to become “the ultimate mobile device” which an Apple exec said back in 2015 [5].

With autonomous driving being finally within reach, most notably also due to break throughs in deep learning, running software in combination with AI chips can result in important USPs.

Or other important areas, such as: displays, centralized ECU architecture, charging infrastructure, agile mindset/processes, diversity, Giga Press/casting, interior/car design concepts, access to talent, …

Looking forward to your votes and discussions in the comments! Interested to hear and learn what you think are the most important focus areas for automotive OEMs.

Here are more of my thoughts about future mobility & tech:


[1] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/felix-naser_nvidia-robots-to-transport-material-autonomously-activity-6693073419287699456-l52l

[2] https://www.uipath.com/rpa/robotic-process-automation

[3] https://www.tesla.com/support/connectivity

[4] https://www.press.bmwgroup.com/global/article/detail/T0348312EN/sheer-driving-pleasure-gets-an-update:-new-remote-software-upgrade-for-around-two-million-bmw-vehicles-worldwide

[6] https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-jeff-williams-the-car-is-the-ultimate-mobile-device-2015-5

#mobility #aces #automated #connected #electirc #shared



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